VANCOUVER Hundreds rallied in support of health care workers last Wednesday afternoon and sent a strong message to Christy Clark and the BC Liberals: “health care workers deserve a fair deal too!”
The rally was held for the 70,000 BC health workers who are still without a contract and have been without one for more than ten months now.
Both CUPE BC president Barry O’Neill and CUPE National president Paul Moist attended the rally to show their support for the 1,000 CUPE workers in the health sector.
CUPE Health Coordinator Justin Schmid says that health care workers are looking for the same deal that many other public sector workers have already received.
“We’re seeking a fair and reasonable deal with no concessions,” says Schmid. “It was very apparent at the rally that workers in this sector are prepared to stand up to the Liberals to achieve a fair contract.”
Schmid says that the CBA has taken a successful strike vote and HSBPA is in the midst of taking a strike vote.
Preparations continue through this week setting up the strike headquarters and organizing picketing plans. The Union will provide 72 hours notice of picketing to the employer and members should job action be necessary.
CUPE represents approximately 1,000 members who are part of two bargaining associations- the CBA and HSPBA. Other unions involved in these bargaining associations include BCGEU, UFCW, HEU, HSA USWA and PEA.