The HSPBA Bargaining Committee has concluded the initial round of discussions with the Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC), which began March 3.
To date, the Committee has tabled language in three areas:
- Housekeeping and non-monetary language, including amendments that will address outdated and colonial language in the collective agreement;
- Occupational health and safety matters related to workload, discrimination and harassment, and facilitation of health sector-wide action on OHS issues; and
- Classification proposals addressing concerns with employer-side initiatives.
The union and employer sides have agreed on some important changes to address the colonization of the collective agreement. Our occupational health and safety and classification proposals are complex and under consideration by the employer caucus during a two-week hiatus in negotiations. The union caucus will be focusing on developing a monetary package in light of information emerging about signs of a restrictive wage proposal from government.
Negotiations will resume when the Committee and HEABC return to the table on March 28. At that time we will be tabling equity and inclusion initiatives and exploring monetary discussion.
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