HSBPA Bargaining Update: Health science professionals call off job action

Vancouver—The Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) has called off rotating strikes planned for this week.

Following three round-the-clock days of talks mediated by veteran labour mediator Vince Ready, the government tabled a proposal just before midnight Saturday for a wage increase and massive concessions. The proposal adds up to a general wage increase of 1.4 per cent over two years – and some health care workers could be facing wage roll backs.

“In our view the government’s proposal was put on the table to force us into taking additional action” says CUPE bargaining committee member Chris Losito. “This would give the government an excuse to recall the legislature to impose a contract. We’ve called off job action to prevent that from happening.”

“We are committed to delivering health care services to British Columbians. Our dispute isn’t with the people who need those services. After nine months of bargaining we still don’t have a contract and it is now clear what the government thinks of the value of health science professionals in the public health care system,” he said.

Losito says the next step is for their bargaining committee to go back to members, share this offer and take direction for next steps from them.

CUPE represents over 500 members in the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA). HSA is the lead union in the 17,000 member bargaining association. Other unions in the bargaining association are BCGEU, PEA, and HEU.

For all bargaining updates and information on CUPE’s health sector in BC visit http://bcchs.cupe.ca/
