CUPE Community Health workers set priorities at online bargaining conference

STANDING UP FOR PUBLIC HEALTH—CUPE’s Health Care Presidents Council chair Andrew Ledger and Health Coordinator Tanya Paterson prepare for the online bargaining conference.

BURNABY—More than 60 people attended an online bargaining conference on October 6, with CUPE health workers from the Community Bargaining Association (CBA) and Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA), joined by guest speakers and CUPE staff, gathering to set priorities for upcoming rounds of bargaining in the sector.

CUPE 1004 President Andrew Ledger, hosting the conference as chair of CUPE’s Health Care Presidents Council (HCPC), thanked delegates for the valuable public service they provide and all CUPE health workers for their daily efforts in keeping British Columbians healthy and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Now more than ever, CUPE health care workers are fired up to enter into collective bargaining,” said Ledger. “During the pandemic and moving forward, it is critically important that our members’ interests are well represented and articulated so that we can make the most gains possible, not only for ourselves but for the public and our health care system in general.”

Supporting our members’ bargaining efforts

Regional Director Ann Lennarson reminded delegates that CUPE’s B.C. region has their back and will provide full staff resources and support throughout the bargaining process. CUPE BC President Karen Ranalletta, noting the history of coordination between the union’s political and servicing operations during bargaining, said the strong relationship between the B.C. Division and CUPE National is an important asset.

While CUPE BC may not have a direct role in bargaining, said Ranalletta, the Division can be helpful when negotiations reach an impasse and issues can’t be resolved at the table. “We have shown we can make a difference in many ways,” she said, “up to and including mobilizing public and political support in the event of a strike or lockout.”

Keynote speakers Audrey Guay and Edith MacHattie of the BC Health Coalition described the role of the Coalition and its relationship with labour in defending public health care. Citing campaigns for primary care reform, critical efforts on behalf of seniors’ care, and the successful court challenge of the private Cambie clinic, Guay and MacHattie stressed the importance of the health care system remaining public—especially during a pandemic. They also addressed COVID-19’s impacts on health care workers, including workload, understaffing, burnout, and mental health. Bargaining for better provisions on issues like paid time off and sick leave, they said, can make a difference for everyone.

“You’re not just fighting for yourselves,” concluded MacHattie. “The public needs you to be healthy and well so that our public system is strong and improving.”

Narrowing down the priorities

The BCGEU’s Richard Tones, representing the CBA, and HSA’s Josef Rieder, representing the HSPBA, described their respective roles at the two association tables. They also outlined priorities shared by their own unions and other constituent unions in the associations. During their presentation, there was a discussion about logistics surrounding the question of whether bargaining will take place virtually or in person.

CUPE Research Representative Carissa Taylor presented the results of a member survey on health sector bargaining priorities. Some of its key findings corresponded with an earlier survey on workload and mental health in the sector. This became a major theme through all the conference discussions: bargaining efforts should focus on improving supports for CUPE members’ mental health, particularly in light of workplace pressures that have been amplified by the pandemic.

Before the break, CUPE Health Coordinator Tanya Paterson reminded delegates of CUPE’s national bargaining policy, which prohibits concessions or two-tiered agreements. Along with priorities established by the two associations, the next rounds will also incorporate national bargaining policy to include proposals related to workplace and domestic violence language improvements, as well as improvements to precarious work and union leave language.

For the afternoon session, delegates separated into breakout rooms for CBA and HSPBA members. As well as setting the top three bargaining priorities for CUPE members in the respective associations, delegates elected CUPE representatives to the two bargaining committees. For CBA negotiations, CUPE’s representatives will be Andy Healey (CUPE 1004) and Liza Taylor (CUPE 15), with Shaunah Cairney (CUPE 3403-01) serving as alternate; for HSPBA negotiations, the representatives will be Jennifer Kassimatis (CUPE 15) and Angela Wheeler (CUPE 1978), with Brian Moore (CUPE 15) serving as alternate.

Preparing for negotiations

In the wake of the conference, bargaining committee representatives will participate in bargaining training, including strategic bargaining plan workshops and job action preparation.

“We’ll be rolling up our sleeves to increase member engagement and solidarity in advance of the bargaining process,” said Paterson. “It’s exciting to be working with such a diverse group, knowing how much their collective experience and knowledge will contribute to CUPE’s strength at the bargaining table.”

CUPE represents more than 2,200 members in B.C.’s community health sector providing diagnostic, clinical, inspection, advocacy, home support, counselling, preventative, housing, and harm reduction/safe substance use services. Their contracts expire on March 31, 2022.

CUPE health presidents prepare for bargaining conference, awareness campaign

BURNABY—At its quarterly meeting this week, CUPE’s Health Care Presidents Council (HCPC) finalized plans for the upcoming Health Sector Bargaining Conference and held a detailed strategy discussion around a CUPE National cost-share campaign scheduled to begin in earnest in early 2022.

Discussing the bargaining conference (October 6), HCPC members voted to shift from an in-person to a virtual event. Even with current health orders allowing for a hotel-based conference, the presidents cited individual comfort levels and travel issues during the pandemic, unpredictable shifting of health orders, and capacity issues with the hotel as a few reasons an in-person event would not be feasible.

Discussion about the conference proceedings included confirmation of guest speakers from the BC Health Coalition—Labour Co-chair Edith Machattie and Organizer Audrey Guay—and an update on the recently launched bargaining survey for Community Health Bargaining Association and Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association members. Survey results will be presented at the conference for discussion while delegates set priorities for the next round of bargaining. Members have until September 24 to complete the survey.

During the meeting, HCPC members discussed various elements of a cost-shared campaign proposal submitted to CUPE National. The campaign calls for member engagement in building public awareness about their critical work during the pandemic and COVID-19’s impact on their mental health.

Also at the meeting, CUPE 15’s CBA sector representative, Mona Mirzayan, was acclaimed as HCPC recording secretary for the remainder of the term.

CUPE Community Health survey to seek member feedback on bargaining priorities

BURNABY—CUPE’s Health Care Presidents Council has launched a survey canvassing CUPE members in Community Health about their main priorities for the upcoming round of bargaining. The survey, for CUPE members working under Community Health Bargaining Association (CBA) and Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) contracts, was launched this morning and will remain open until September 24.

“This survey is the best way to canvass our members on what they really want to see in their respective collective agreements,” said CUPE Health Coordinator Tanya Paterson. “The survey results will help us set priorities for the next round of contract negotiations and will form the groundwork for discussions at our upcoming bargaining conference.”

Responses to the survey, which should take approximately 15 minutes to complete, are confidential. Members will receive the survey from their local presidents.

As well as discussing the survey results, delegates to the October 6 bargaining conference will select the bargaining committees for CBA and HSPBA contract talks.  The current collective agreements expire on March 31, 2022.

The Health Care Presidents Council is made up of representatives from Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (CUPE 15), Vancouver Island Health Authority (CUPE 1978), Fraser Health Authority (CUPE 4816), Canadian Mental Health (CUPE 3403-01), and PHS Community Services Society (CUPE 1004).

HSPBA professional development fund applications now open to CUPE members

BURNABY—CUPE health science professionals can now apply for new professional development funds announced in the spring under an agreement reached between the provincial Ministry of Health and the Health Sciences Professional Bargaining Association (HSPBA).

All health science professionals covered by the HSPBA collective agreement, which includes members of HSA, BCGEU, CUPE, PEA and HEU, are eligible to apply for funding, which will be allocated to the constituent unions on a pro-rata basis.

Key points about the new professional development funding:

  • The funding is to be allocated to training and upgrading skills for HSPBA members working in professions experiencing shortages, or in rural and remote locations, as well as ongoing required professional development for all HSPBA members;
  • The funding will apply to education or training commenced between April 1, 2021 and August 31, 2022;
  • The education or training must pertain to professional development in a health science professional discipline being practiced in the public health care system; and
  • Eligible expenses for reimbursement include tuition fees, registration fees, cost of required books or materials, and other reasonable education-related expenses and may also include reasonable costs of travel and accommodation if the applicant must travel or temporarily relocate to attend education or training or related clinical placement.

Successful applicants will be reimbursed upon proof of completion of the program applied for, along with receipt for costs claimed. If a course, program or workshop is cancelled or otherwise not attended, the application will be cancelled and the member must reapply on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information, see the eligibility requirements and frequently asked questions.

To apply now, fill out this form.


Sign the pledge to support public health care!

VANCOUVER—Public health care is under attack—again.

Last September, the BC Supreme Court dealt a strong blow to the efforts of Dr. Brian Day to undermine our publicly-funded health care system. Dr. Day’s Cambie Clinic, one of the largest for-profit surgical centres in Canada, sought to invalidate key sections of the BC Medicare Protection Act (MPA) and usher in U.S.-style profit-driven health care. But the Court’s decision made it clear that the Cambie Clinic’s case was about profit—not wait times—and that public solutions are the most effective way to ensure quality patient care.

Not surprisingly, Dr. Day has launched an appeal. Hearings start on Monday (June 14th) and will run throughout the week at the BC Court of Appeal. The BC Health Coalition is calling on its partners and all British Columbians to show strong support for our public health care system.

You can do that by taking a moment to sign and share the pledge to support public health care.

A loss at the BC Court of Appeal would invalidate the historic victory at the BC Supreme Court affirming the importance of public health care. Signing the pledge shows you are standing up to defend public health care. We need to make it stronger, not take two steps backwards by losing infrastructure and resources.

For more information on the Cambie appeal, see the Coalition’s webinar, “Defending public health care: the Cambie appeal,” or its abridged recording, now posted at


Health Care Presidents review survey results, begin preparations for bargaining

BURNABY—CUPE’s Health Care Presidents Council (HCPC), gathering virtually for their quarterly meeting on June 3, used the results of a recent member survey to start developing a plan for a public campaign while setting the agenda for an upcoming bargaining conference that will establish priorities for the next round of contract talks.

During the meeting, Council members reviewed the results of a CUPE Research survey on the impact of COVID-19 on health services workload and members’ mental health. With results showing that a significant number of frontline workers in CUPE Community Health are suffering from increased workload and stress as a result of the pandemic, Council members agreed that more needs to be done to raise awareness about the dedication and commitment of these members despite staff shortages, redeployment and other challenges in an increasingly complex working environment.

CUPE Communications presented a draft cost-share campaign aimed at addressing some of these issues and improving working conditions while lifting morale for CUPE health members.

“The campaign is an exciting project, focussed on improving working conditions, that will involve health sector members every step of the way,” said CUPE Health Coordinator Tanya Paterson. “It’s a work in progress that we’ll be reviewing again in early July, with the intention of submitting it to National in September.”

As well as reviewing the Action Plan and presenting local reports, HCPC members discussed plans for the upcoming Community Health Bargaining Conference on October 6. Depending on public health orders and declining COVID rates over the next couple of months, the conference initially planned for Zoom might be in person.

New BC Health Ministry Professional Development fund to support HSPBA members

BURNABY—Working in partnership with the government of British Columbia, the Health Sciences Professional Bargaining Association (HSPBA), led by the Health Sciences Association of BC, has secured $3 million in new funding to support professional development for members covered by the HSPBA collective agreement.

The funding, provided by the BC Ministry of Health, is aimed at providing support for health science professionals needing to maintain and upgrade areas of specialization—especially welcome at a time of extraordinary challenge to B.C.’s health care system and the people who keep it running.

Key points about the new professional development funding:

  • The funding is to be allocated to training and upgrading skills for HSPBA members working in professions experiencing shortages, or in rural and remote locations, as well as ongoing required professional development for all HSPBA members;
  • The funding will apply to education or training commenced between April 1, 2021 and August 31, 2022;
  • The education or training must pertain to professional development in a health science professional discipline being practiced in the public health care system; and
  • Eligible expenses for reimbursement include tuition fees, registration fees, cost of required books or materials, and other reasonable education-related expenses and may also include reasonable costs of travel and accommodation if the applicant must travel or temporarily relocate to attend education or training or related clinical placement.

All health science professionals covered by the HSPBA collective agreement, which includes members of HSA, BCGEU, CUPE, PEA and HEU, are eligible to apply for funding, which will be allocated to the constituent unions on a pro-rata basis.

CUPE Health Care Presidents Council celebrates DTES members during National Nursing Week

VANCOUVER—As invaluable partners in B.C.’s public health care system, CUPE 1004 nurses working in the Downtown Eastside exemplify this year’s National Nursing Week (May 10-16) theme, “We Answer the Call,” says CUPE Health Care Presidents Council (HCPC) chair Andrew Ledger.

CUPE nurses on the front line of the ongoing opioid crisis, says Ledger, continue to answer the call by providing new innovations to prevent overdoses—such as the delivery of a safe supply of prescription alternatives to the poisoned street drugs that continue to kill, on average, more than four British Columbians every day.

“Our CUPE nurse members have fought multiple crises this past year in delivering care for vulnerable people during the COVID-19 global pandemic,” says Ledger, noting that CUPE nurses continue to provide life-saving service despite the heavy emotional and physical toll that these crises have taken on their own lives.

“These members have faced the daunting challenges of increasing homelessness experienced by patients, and an ongoing dramatic rise in overdoses and overdose deaths, and they continue to answer the call every day.”

CUPE 1004 represents approximately 40 nurses who work for the PHS Community Services Society. Working in both housing and primary health care clinics, these nurses provide care to residents and clients with a wide variety and complexity of acute and chronic illnesses or conditions including communicable diseases, addictions, mental health and general health issues. They perform assessments, conduct referrals to physicians or psychiatrists, administer medication, and provide treatment as well as recovery support.

CUPE Community Health survey to seek member feedback on workload, COVID-19 issues

BURNABY—CUPE’s Health Care Presidents Council has launched a survey canvassing CUPE members in Community Health about workload issues and the impacts of COVID-19 on their working lives. The survey will be used to give CUPE a greater understanding of workload concerns for our members in the Community Health Bargaining Association (CBA) and Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA), throughout and predating the pandemic.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has caused increased strain on an already burdened health care system in B.C.,” said CUPE Health Coordinator Tanya Paterson. “The results of the survey will help us determine what kind of tools and support mechanisms our members need and how to best deliver them.” Paterson noted that the data will also be used to better prepare CUPE in the event of another pandemic.

Responses to the workload survey will be confidential unless members are willing to further share their thoughts through a follow up process. Contact information will be separated from responses received.

The survey, which is open to CUPE members from the CBA and HSPBA until April 30, should take approximately ten minutes to complete. It can be found here.

Later this year, the HCPC will conduct a bargaining survey to determine CUPE’s priorities in advance of contract negotiations.

The Health Care Presidents Council is made up of representatives from Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (CUPE 15), Vancouver Island Health Authority (CUPE 1978), Fraser Health Authority (CUPE 4816), Canadian Mental Health (CUPE 3403-01), and PHS Community Services Society (CUPE 1004).

Decriminalization, overdose response funding critical to addressing opioid crisis: CUPE

BURNABY—CUPE’s Health Care Presidents Council (HCPC) said today that two moves by the provincial government to address the opioid crisis are important steps that will help save lives while reducing the stigma around drug use that often prevents people from seeking the help they need.

On the fifth anniversary of B.C.’s declaring the overdose crisis a public health emergency, the BCNDP government today announced that it will request a federal exemption from Health Canada to decriminalize personal possession of drugs in B.C. The government also announced a new $45-million investment over the next three years to secure recently expanded overdose prevention services for British Columbians at high risk of overdose—an increase from funding announced in August last year.

“Our members know from experience working in this field that the stigma surrounding this issue can be fatal. Shame causes people to hide their drug use to avoid health care, so that they end up using alone at further risk to their lives,” said HCPC chair Andrew Ledger.

“We have long argued that decriminalization not only reduces fear and shame but makes it easier for people to reach out for the life-saving supports and treatment that our members provide. So we fully support today’s announcement as a critical step in addressing the crisis.”

Decriminalization is an additional tool in B.C.’s accelerated overdose response plan, which also includes harm reduction, prevention, treatment and recovery, while building a system of mental health and substance use care.

Ledger said the additional funding for overdose prevention services is critically needed. Although more than 6,000 deaths have been averted since 2018 because of life-saving interventions, the toxic drug supply has killed more than 7,000 British Columbians since 2016.

For more on the government’s announcement, visit: