Ministry Funding for Health Sector

Greetings CUPE CBA and HSPBA Members,

This past week, the provincial government announced new initiatives aimed at tackling retention and recruitment issues in the healthcare sector and expanding healthcare services to rural and remote communities.

  1. Incentives for workers living and working in rural and remote communities will increase.
  2. The Community Bargaining Association (CBA) and the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) will receive another $20 million to fund professional development and mental health and wellness support for its members.

Our membership has called on the government to take action on these issues for years. While more changes are needed to create the healthcare system we want, this announcement reminds us that our continued advocacy is making a difference.

In the coming weeks, our union will be seeking further details about these initiatives, how they will be implemented and how workers can access them. Please watch for those updates.

You can read the full press release from the Ministry of Health here:


In solidarity,

Andrew Ledger
Health Sector Coordinator